Distinguished Scholar Lecture

醫生、教授剖析 魚鯊烯的防癌之道
June 29, 2018



預防癌症 多面睇


致癌物 無處不在



魚鯊烯 防癌之選




香港每四人有一人患癌 專家教您排毒防癌


DAGE enhances immunity and fights against cancer
January 03, 2013

Reinforcement of immunity is a fundamental key to fight against disease. Many researches have been conducted in order to find out the best solution for cancer.

Recently, HKUST (Department of life science) Prof. Ko has revealed a surprising discovery on DAGE. His new research demonstrated that DAGE significantly improves body immunity and suppress tumor growth. This research is also published on international health journal this year. In the previous distinguished scholar lecture, Prof. Ko investigated the effect of DAGE on immunity enhancement and cancer suppression with pharmacists.

Distinguished Scholar Lecture was held on 6th December, 2012 at prince hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui. Around 70 Watson’s pharmacists and nutritionists have attended the seminar for the newest research results. Mrs. Angel S. P. Chan Lau, chairman and Miss Abbie S. K. Chan, the vice chairman of the Squina International Group also attended.

Research proven the health benefits of DAGE

Prof. Ko has proven that long term supplementation of DAGE boost the “inborn” and “Acquired” immunity. The inborn immunity is the frontline defense while the acquired immunity produced after in later life, which is generated after contact the pathogens and antigens. In the research, mice were fed with DAGE to observe its immune response and it shows that their macrophage and natural killer cells vitality is increased to eradicate pathogens.

Improve reactions against antigens  Decrease 70% of tumor

Results also indicate- that DAGE improves immune cells vitality and suppress cancer cells. Feeding DAGE to the mice with cancer cells has shown a decrease up to 70% in cancer cells. Besides, it shows in vitro that the cancer index is corresponding to the dosage of DAGE, suggesting DAGE is an effective nutrient that strengthens immunity and cancer suppression.



核酸DNA 有效預防腦退化傷害
 會否覺得記憶力下降?思考力不及以往敏銳?如有以上情況,千萬不要忽視,因有機會是腦退化的先兆! 腦部主宰全身各項機能運作,而腦細胞一旦受損便不能再生,專家警告,現時腦退化或腦血管循環問題已漸見年輕化,20-30歲的年輕患者近年不斷增加,除了以上癥狀外,患者更可出現表達能力下降、行動障礙,甚至失去自我照顧能力,增加家人的負擔,故科學家一直積極尋找預防腦退化及受損方法,最近終有突破性新發現!


Japanese expert dissected the special effects of chondroitin sulfate
August 12, 2011
Squina International Group had sponsored the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences (FHSS) of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and to jointly organized a Distinguished Scholar Lecture on “Effects of Chondroitin Sulfate on Joint Disease” on 18 Nov 2011. The lecture is hosted by Professor Nomura from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology in Japan. The audiences include PolyU lecturers, students, medical organizations and pharmacists.



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